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25th July 2024
Keep Your Workplace Safe with Pure-Pat's PAT Testing!

At Pure-Pat, we know safety and efficiency go hand in hand. That’s why regular Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is our specialty. Here’s why teaming up with Purepat for your PAT testing is the best move you can make for your business. Safety First, Always! We’re all about preventing accidents before they happen. Our expert technicians […]

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8th March 2022
This is why the job should be done properly.

cutting corners leads to potentially dangerous results while pat testing. Here is an example of another item we came across at a customer site, this heater was fully functional and was in daily use and also achieved a pass went put on the test meter. Once our engineer carried out the full visual inspection (including […]

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10th November 2021
Why you shouldn't overload extension leads...

This picture highlights the reason why you should not overload your extension leads and highlights the importance of having your appliances tested one regular basis. If we had not tested this item the implications could have been very serious.

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6th August 2021
Why Kite marks aren't just for show.

Part of every inspection is to make sure that our customers are using safe and compliant equipment, cutting corners and saving a few pounds with substandard plugs is not a cost saving but a risk to people and property. Here is a example of a plug that failed inspection.

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25th June 2021
This is Why we PAT Test.

Making our customers aware of dangerous items in use on their sites and potentially preventing serious incidents is something our engineers take enormous pride in. These items where found at one of our customer sites and still in use. This again highlights the benefits of PAT Testing and why it is important for the job […]

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8th June 2021
More Fails

Pictured are some fails found at a customer site that had previously been testing in house. They didn't have time to do it themselves this year so called us in and we found the pictured fails plus some additional items that we all to our amazement still in use. This backs up the point that […]

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28th April 2021
Extension Lead Testing

Short Video highlighting the importance of carrying out full tests on extension leads and why just testing a single socket doesn't constitute a complete test. Here at Pure-Pat we are always highlighting to our customers that cutting corners to save a few pence per item on your testing just isn't worth the risk.

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14th April 2021
Do You Test Your Class 3 Appliances ?

Here is a example of laptop that was still in use but because it wasn't moved and was used in the same location the customer hadn't noticed the serious overheating issue. Many customers forget to have their class 3 items tested and forget that just because the item is low voltage that it could still […]

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14th April 2021
What Can Be Missed Through Cutting Corners While PAT Testing

Just a small example of what our engineers have come across on sites since the start of March. Most of these items were still in use in schools and a readily accessible by students. Just another example highlighting why testing is not just a process of plugging a device into a test machine and deeming […]

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1st April 2021
No Cutting Corners

Cutting corners leads to accidents and this is why we carry out full inspections on Class 1,2, 2fe and Class 3 appliances. Its so easy to overlook an appliance that you know is working and presumed to be safe. This is why is worth allowing the experts in to carried out a full test and […]

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